I always knew I’d buy a sleepyhead when I had a baby but I didn’t know how much we’d actually use it or even if the baby would like it. Well, Henry loves his sleepyhead and I love his sleepyhead; happy baby, happy mama.
The sleepyhead is an award-winning portable baby bed that provides a safe, comfortable pod for baby to sleep in. It comes in two sizes, the deluxe for 0-8 months and grand for 8-36 months. You also have the option to change the standard white cover to a pattern style, and if you go for the deluxe+, you can add a toy gym set to your sleepyhead!

- For me the best thing about our sleepyhead is that it’s lightweight and portable, which means we can take it anywhere! Visiting family? Take the sleepyhead. Going on holiday? You got it, pop it in the bag and take it with you! Using the sleepyhead for travel enables Henry to sleep somewhere that he’s used to but also, if I need to use a hotel travel cot, I don’t need to worry about what (could be crappy) sheets as he can sleep on the sleepyhead inside it. We took ours to the Maldives last week and so pleased we did (you can read the blog post here).
- My baby is comfortable in his sleepyhead and will happily sleep on there day and night. It’s become his ‘space’ for sleeping at bedtime but also daytime lounging and nap time. Henry slept through the night from 12 weeks/5 weeks adjusted age (with a dream feed), and I really believe the sleepyhead had a role to play in that. We literally couldn’t be without it now!
- I really wanted to co sleep but my husband and I just couldn’t get around the risk of co sleeping. So placing the sleepyhead in the middle of the bed is our compromise! I normally do this when Henry is unwell or after his 7am feed if we both just want to go back to sleep!
- As a preemie baby, Henry started his life in an incubator in NICU where they create their own sleepyhead style set-up with rolled up bed sheets. Using a sleepyhead after NICU can help premature babies feel safe and cocooned in a familiar environment.
- Made from 100% cotton, the fabric is breathable, and the sleepyhead has most importantly received a number of safety certifications (which you’ll find listed on their website here).
- The sleepyhead fits inside so many cribs and cots which can often seem so large for a newborn. It fits perfectly inside our mamas and papas breeze crib and I have a friend that uses it in a co-sleeper like the snuzababy.
- We haven’t got to this stage yet but in the next week or so, I’m going to transition Henry’s big afternoon nap from his crib in my room, to a cot in his nursery (with a monitor on for safety, obviously). Henry won’t be sleeping in his nursery overnight for at least another 3-6 months but having his naps in there with his sleepyhead will help him settle in a new bed.
- Lastly, the sleepyhead can be used for tummy time!
Now for a few negatives just to give a balanced review:
- Price: I’m a little hesitant to put the price as a negative as I do think it’s 100% worth it… but it is quite expensive for those on a tight budget. I didn’t think twice buying the first size but the second size for 8-36 months is £200, which is quite a lot, so I’ll see if Henry settles without his sleepyhead first before purchasing the next size up.
- Cover: Oh that damn cover is a nightmare to remove – wash – dry – put back on. I guess you could buy a second cover but they’re expensive! Also the travel bag is an additional cost but we use the protective back it came in and that’s perfectly fine.
- Size: Henry is already looking snug in there at 17 weeks, although searching online I am assured that it’ll fit another few months.
There’s been so much talk about baby sleep positioners and as such, a few people warned me not to buy the sleepyhead. The sleepyhead is NOT a sleep positioner, it’s a pod made from breathable fabric. But, as with all baby products, do your research and take a loot at it yourself to check that you are comfortable with your baby using it.
We’re really happy with the sleepyhead and can wholeheartedly say it’s our best purchase!
Sleepyhead Deluxe+ Baby Pod, £130 – Link
Sleepyhead Grand Baby Pod 8-36 months, £205 – Link