The BabyBjörn Balance Bouncer was, without a doubt, one of our top buys for baby items! Read more…

The BabyBjörn Balance Bouncer was, without a doubt, one of our top buys for baby items! Read more…
When we first moved to Dubai, I remember spotting so many of these cool pushchairs at the airport – it was the Babyzen Yoyo. I had already purchased a larger pram, which I love, but it’s big and bulky and not particularly travel-friendly. The Yoyo, on the other hand, is perfect for travelling. Read more…
UPDATE: I stopped using the sleepyhead with Henry when he was almost 6 months old, mainly by accident. So here it is: the sleepyhead needed cleaning and so I popped Henry on the cot mattress for his nap and he slept amazing – because he could sleep on his tummy. In his sleepyhead, he hadn’t […] Read more…
Taking our 16 week old baby to the Maldives seemed crazy to some but to us, it was just another trip. I didn’t worry, I just planned. Henry absolutely loved it, had the time of his life in the sea and genuinely adapted to island life perfectly. So here’s a few things that helped: […] Read more…
Life with a newborn is challenging enough but when it’s a preemie baby, it can be overwhelming. Here are just a few things that made life with our preemie that little bit easier. Read more…
It’s started. I’ve bought so much over the last few weeks that I’m not quite sure where it’s all going to go, not forgetting the fact that I have to take it all back to Dubai with me next week. But being pregnant for the first time combined with a ‘planner personality’ means I just […] Read more…
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