We have reached the third trimester, this little baby and I! So here’s my 28-29 week pregnancy update. Read more…

We have reached the third trimester, this little baby and I! So here’s my 28-29 week pregnancy update. Read more…
I’ve just returned from a really lovely pregnancy massage at Cocoon Nail Spa in Motor City and feel all relaxed, in that blissful can’t-be-bothered-to-do-anything bubble. So, as you can imagine, I definitely recommend the salon! Read more…
My last pregnancy record was around week 21 and now I’m at week 26, I really do feel pregnant! How far along? I’m writing this at 26 weeks but this record will be for weeks 25 – 26. Total weight gain: I haven’t checked in over a month but I am certain I’ve piled on the pounds. Finally! […] Read more…
I can’t believe I am 6 months pregnant, really, it feels like March was only yesterday. But here we are at 24 weeks pregnant with a bump to prove it. So, for fun and to amuse myself on this lazy Saturday morning, here’s 6 things I am loving about pregnancy right now. BODY I love […] Read more…
My last pregnancy update was almost a month ago and so much has happened since then – baby movements and most excitingly, we found out the gender! Read more…
I’ve read a fair amount of pregnancy blog posts over the last few years and loved reading the pregnancy updates in the style of a record/journal book. But I still haven’t found an actual record book to physically write in that I love. They all seem so ‘babyish’ and too cutesy when all I want […] Read more…