So I have found a grey hair, actually, last week I found three grey hairs screaming for my attention. And obviously I freaked out, hating the sight of them... but now we're cool. I'm 28 and last week I found three small grey hairs right at the front of my hairline. TMI? Probably but I'm sure plenty of you can relate to this with one, two, three or half a head of grey hair. My initial reaction was sheer panic, an omg-I-must-be-old style tantrum. But I took a step back from the situation and thought, you know what? I'm going to rock this. I actually pulled them out which I know you shouldn't do but I softened to the situation nonetheless. The physical, cosmetic side of ageing is what scares me most which is why I started using anti-wrinkle creams and makeup last year. But, there is a big but here so stay with me... I am genuinely excited about the next 'grown up stages' of my life. They say your twenties are for learning about yourself, making mistakes and being selfish... I have done all that and more. I know who I am, I like who I am, I don't really care what people think of me and I've learnt from my mistakes. I am wholeheartedly looking forward to new experiences, new adventures and meeting new people. It's all new, which is rather exciting and something the old control freak Samantha was scared of. Those grey hairs signify a new era. While I'm embracing this positively with new beginnings and all that jazz, I'm not going to fully embrace the actual grey colour. Hair dye can take care of that! So for now my loves, if you find a grey hair don't cry tears of fear, we'll all grow old gracefully and there's ways to mask the ageing process (Clinique's marvellous line smoothing concealer is my BFF and I haven't ruled out botox...).

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